Colombo, Feb 25: The Tamil Tiger rebels today warned of ''serious consequences'' if the Sri Lankan Army restricted free movement of voters from the rebel-held areas to cast their votes in the government-held areas. ''The consequences will be serious if the rights and wishes of our people are denied,'' LTTE's political wing head S P Thamilselvan told reporters in Kilinochchi today after a meeting with Norwegian ambassador Hans Brattskar.

Thamilsevan said, ''We discussed the matter with Brattskar today and we plan to take up the matter with the European Union too.'' Over 300,000 voters are living under the LTTE controlled area in the war-ravaged north-east.

According to Tamilnet website, Thamilsevan also said that the Norwegians had assured to take up the question of free movement of voters from the ltte held areas with the relevant parties of the government side.

During the last general elections in December 2001, the Election Commissioner in consultations with the service commanders set up cluster polling booths near the exit-entry point of the government-held areas enabling the voters in the rebel-held areas to vote.

But some of the voters legally challenged the Election Commissioner's decision on the ground that their fundamental rights to vote had been violated, resulting in the Supreme Court holding Army Commander Lt Gen Balagalle responsible for it and ordered him to pay Rs 50,000 personally to the petitioners. Bureau Report