Washington, May 08: President George W Bush prodded UN Security Council nations to lift sanctions against Iraq, saying no country should use sanctions "to hold back the hopes of the Iraqi people." After meeting with Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, Bush said yesterday he senses there is now "a mood to work together" on a sanctions resolution, despite earlier objections that divided the Security Council over whether to go war in Iraq.
Aznar agreed. "Absolutely. I hope it's true," he said. "Everyone needs to contribute to it within the Security Council."
Earlier yesterday, the US government said it would lift some economic sanctions against Iraq to help efforts to rebuild the country and provide humanitarian aid.
Treasury secretary John Snow announced the action, which he said followed instructions by Bush.
"The easing of US sanctions will bring much needed aid and humanitarian relief to the Iraqi people as they begin the process of rebuilding their lives after more than two decades of brutal dictatorship," Snow said.
The United States is working on a resolution -- which could be introduced at the Security Council as early as this week -- that would lift sanctions imposed on Iraq after the 1991 Gulf War. But veto-wielding members France and Russia have voiced objections to abandoning the sanctions until the United Nations certifies that Iraq is free of weapons of mass destruction.
Bush looked past those objections, saying, "the atmosphere that existed prior to the war has changed. People now want to work together for the good of the Iraqi people."

Bureaqu Report