Kabul, June 08: A suspected suicide car bomber blew up a bus carrying German peacekeepers in the Afghan capital Kabul on Saturday, killing four soldiers and wounding 29, seven of them seriously, officials said.
The troops were on their way to the airport to fly back to Germany after completing their Afghan assignments.

Witnesses at the scene of the blast said they saw the mangled wreckage of the car carrying the explosives and bloodstains and shards of glass on the road. The charred shell of the bus stood on the side of the road where the force of the explosion left it. German Defence Minister Peter Struck said in Berlin the death toll was four, one more than originally reported by International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) officers in Kabul. ISAF is led by Germany and the Netherlands.

The incident was the latest in a string of attacks in Afghanistan aimed at US-led coalition forces, international peacekeepers and aid agencies. Bureau Report