New Delhi, Aug 18: BJP chief whip Vijay Kumar Malhotra today questioned the motive of the Opposition in bringing a no-confidence motion against the Vajpayee government after it has been in power for four years and said some of the issues were continuously being raised, like the PAC report on kargil defence procurements, with an eye on the elections. Speaking against the no-confidence motion in the Lok Sabha, Malhotra said this was obvious from the fact that no new point had been raised by the opposition in the debate on the motion as most of the issues have been discussed in Parliament or outside.
Malhotra said that the Opposition has been forcing adjournments and stalling question hour on these issues and progressively more time of the house was being wasted in successive sessions. The highest percentage of 40 per cent had been wasted in the monsoon session on the same issues brought forth by the opposition in the no-confidence motion, he added.
Malhotra said that the Opposition had not declared the alternate government to the NDA government. Going by the opposition's stance during the motion, he asked whether the combine will be of the Muslim League, the Congress, the RJD and the CPI(M).
He said the sole purpose of the opposition was to attack the NDA government without an alternative agenda to offer.
Malhotra said that the charge by the opposition that the country's security had been compromised by the government was ''baseless''. It was the previous Congress regimes which had sacrificed the country's interests, he said.
He also denied that the BJP government was trying to saffronise education and dared the Congress-ruled states to put in the textbooks references which the government had removed.
He spoke about several instances of corruption against the previous Congress regimes and said there was no charge of corruption against any of the ministers of the NDA government.
The BJP leader said during the last five years India had become a net exporter of foodgarins from a net importer.
Bureau Report