Washington, Sep 03: The United States said yesterday it was "deeply concerned" for Myanmar democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, renewing its claim that she is on hunger strike -- despite fierce denials from Yangon's ruling Generals.
The State Department said it had "credible reporting" from its Yangon embassy about the Nobel laureate's situation, but refused to publicly divulge it.
Myanmar's Government Monday dismissed the US announcement in a statement, issued unusually on a Sunday, as "groundless."

"We do remain deeply concerned about her situation," said State Department spokesman Richard Boucher.

"We have credible reporting from our embassy, but I'm not able to go into the sourcing."

Dissident sources in the United States yesterday told reporters they had unconfirmed reports from sources within Myanmar that Aung San Suu Kyi was in a "bad" condition.

The National League for Democracy leader was being held in a military barracks in the Ye Mon district of Yangon, the sources said. The information could not be independently confirmed.

On Sunday, the State Department warned Myanmar's military rulers that it held them responsible for Aung San Suu Kyi's health, after detaining her after a May 30 ambush on her convoy as she made a political tour of the country's north.

Bureau Report