Thiruvananthapuram, Aug 06: Global environmental campaigner Greenpeace today said the waste distributed as manure to farmers by the Coca Cola plant at Plachimada in Palakkad, Kerala, be collected and kept at uninhabited areas as the state pollution control board had confirmed the presence of cadmium in the sludge distributed as fertilisers, was above permissible limits. In a statement today, Greenpeace India welcomed the findings of the Kerala Pollution Control Board which vindicated their stand on the issue.
"The government should lose no time in directing the company to collect these highly hazardous waste material back and store with heavy precautions before discussing ways and means to permanently dispose it," the statement said.
The Greenpeace wanted the government to call a meeting of the pollution control board officials, concerned government departments, NGOs and affected community on how to deal with the hazardous waste, it said. Bureau Report