Dubai, Aug 14: A handwritten message purported to be from ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was broadcast by Qatar-based al-Jazeera television yesterday.
The letter was apparently Saddam's answer to a journalist's questions about statements made by Ibrahim Jafari, the first President of Iraq's 25-man interim governing council.
The latter also notably salutes a top Iraqi Shiite leader, Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani.
Saddam's fate has been a mystery since US-led forces ended his 24-year grip on power in April.
At the start of the month, al-Jazeera aired another message purported to be from the former strongman to the Iraqi people. It was the sixth audiotape attributed to him broadcast by Arab satellite channels in less than a month.

Sistani is viewed by US officials as a crucial force for moderation in post-war Iraq. But he has expressed unhappiness at the US occupation and demanded the United States allow Iraqis to rule themselves.

"Sayyed Sistani has our appreciation," the latest message on al-Jazeera read, using the title for a descendant of the prophet Mohammad.

Bureau Report