New Delhi, Nov 04: Noted Buddhist scholar and former Indian envoy to Mongolia Kushak Bakula died after a brief illness, family sources said. Bakula, 86, died at his residence this morning. He was admitted to a private nursing home earlier from where he was discharged three days ago.

He had started the movement for union territory status for Ladakh in 50s and was associated with the Ladakh Buddhist Association. He was head priest of Stipuk monastery in Leh.

Bakula was a member of the constituent assembly of the state from 1951 to 57 and a member of the legislative assembly from 1957-67. He served as a state minister from 1953-67. The body would be kept here till Friday for people to pay homage and will then be taken to Leh for the funeral.

Jammu and Kashmir government announced a day`s closure of its offices and three-day mourning for the deceased Buddhist leader.

Condoling the death, chief minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed described him as the most revered spiritual leader of Buddhists in Ladakh.

"He was always concerned about the welfare of people of Jammu and Kashmir, especially Ladakhis. It is a huge loss to the state", the chief minister said. Bureau Report