New Delhi, July 21: Expressing dissatisfaction over gains accruing to India from the World Trade Organisation under the current dispensation, the Swadeshi Jagran Manch today asserted that either the WTO has to be amended or India should quit the organisation. Announcing a "maha dharna" on September 2 ahead of the Cancun WTO ministerial summit on 10-14 September, the All India convenor of Swadeshi Jagran Manch, P Muralidhar Rao, told reporters here that thousands of people will congregate here to take part in its programme.

This dharna is to ask the government to take a strong stand at the Cancun meet, and oppose any moves by developed countries that go against interests of developing countries like India, he said.

Stating that the manch, a Sangh Parivar affiliate, had been observing the developments at the WTO for the last eight years, Rao said they had so far not worked favourably towards India.
"We have reached a conclusion that time has come where either the WTO has to be changed or you (India) will have to leave it. Either you have to mend WTO or quit WTO," he said.

"If the government is unsuccessful in protecting national interests in WTO, then while giving lead to developing nations it should give notice to quit WTO," Rao said.

He said the WTO did not have any major role to play either in growth of exports or buoyancy in stock markets in the country.

Bureau Report