Sydney, Aug 29: Notwithstanding the controversies dogging the champion leg spinner, cricket Australia today said it was "looking forward" to the return of a "strong" Shane Warne to international cricket once his ban expires next year.
"We are certainly looking forward to February 10 next year (when Warne's ban expires) and Shane Warne coming back as a strong player," CA chairman Bob Merriman told.
"Warne has co-operated in respect to the issues the board has control on. We don't have control on any player's private life. He has certainly reacted in all the areas we have asked him to. It is (now) really a matter for the selection committee," he said.
Merriman insisted the player's personal life was not a matter of concern for the board.
"We have not discussed player 'X' or player 'Y', but certainly a hell of a lot of work has been generated in the board office because of the issues of the last four months.
"Obviously, we are hopeful that issues in his private life remain private, like any person. That's probably a pious hope given the high-profile sportsperson he is," the CA chairman said.

Warne has been in the limelight for wrong reasons recently with a South African woman claiming the bowler bombarded her with raunchy messages and calls. Another woman, a Melbourne strip dancer, has also alleged that Warne troubled her with calls after the "sexual relationship" between the two had ended.
Bureau Report