Berlin, Sept 15: Asserting that the developed countries should adopt a comprehensive policy in tackling the menace of international terrorism, German chancellor Gerhard Schroder today favoured putting emphasis on helping less fortunate countries in reviving their economy so that they don't fall prey to fundamentalists. Inaugurating a week-long Asia Pacific meet here, Schroder said, "The biggest threat in today's world was the international terrorism. We have not forgotten the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, Bali and Jakarta. International forum can only be successful by adopting a two-pronged policy for tackling this."
"First, there was a need for a close political co-operation needed between all developed countries and the second and the most important one was a close coordination between developed nations to help the less fortunate countries in reconstructing their economy," Schroder said.
This, he said, would prevent the recurrence of terrorism in the country from where the international community had wiped out the roots of terrorism.
In a reference to Afghanistan, Schroder said the international forces in Kabul should help in enlistment of people in the countryside and not only in Kabul.
Bureau Report