Washington, Feb 26: Amid suggestions that US review its support for Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf for challenging Indian rule in Kashmir and reneging on his pledge to contain Islamic extremists, United States has said that Pakistan is "doing its best" and remains a "staunch ally."
Admitting that the al-Qaeda and Taliban had been rattled but continue to "regroup wherever they can" including in parts of Pakistan, White House press secretary Ari Fliescher said there were portions in Pakistan that were very hard to police. ".. But Pakistan is a stalwart ally of the United States intelligence (in this) effort. They have been and they remain. They do their very level best and they cooperate very strongly with the United States in our efforts to bring al Qaeda to justice, wherever they are," Fleischer told a press conference here.
He was asked to comment on a Washington Post editorial yesterday asking the bush administration to reconsider the alliance with Musharraf because "Musharraf has broken his pledge to rid Pakistan of Islamic extremists, curb the Taliban and al Qaeda operations from Pakistan against Afghanistan and end the dangerous game of challenging Indian rule in Kashmir" by tolerating Pakistan-based terrorism. Bureau Report