Rio De Janeiro, May 27: Brazilian soccer player Ronaldo inaugurates cultural centre in famous Rio de Janeiro shantytown. Brazilian football star Ronaldo inaugurated a cultural centre in Rio de Janeiro's famed shantytown City of God on Wednesday (May 26). The project, financed with 45,000 euros from a charity game he played at the end of 2003, aims to bring new opportunities and increased exposure to the arts to the local residents. The 120-seat theater currently houses the Lomboko Theatre Group and its coordinator Vania Show, said the project will revitalize the area.
"It's the amplification of the culture inside the City of God and the generation of employment and income for the young people," she said.

The renovation, which should be completed by the end of July, includes the installation of a new sound and lighting system.

The City of God was founded in 1966 to house 3,852 local families who had been left homeless by flooding. Today, the impoverished and crime-ridden shantytown houses 120,000 residents in less than 250,000 square meters. It was made famous by an Oscar-nominated movie last year about the crime surrounding it and the street children who lived there.

Bureau Report