Seoul, Apr 28: North Korea has offered to scrap, not just suspend, its nuclear weapons program in return for a package of political and economic steps by the united states, South Korean reports said today. The offer was part of "bold" measures North Korea tabled at talks with the United States and China last week in Beijing, newspapers here said.
At talks in Beijing, North Korea reportedly suggested that Pyongyang and Washington act simultaneously and equally to resolve the six-month-old nuclear crisis.
North Korea created a stir in Beijing by asserting that it has nuclear weapons. But South Korea has positively assessed North Korea's "package deal" of matching the dismantling of any nuclear arsenal with the normalization of ties between Washington and Pyongyang, reported a South Korean daily.
Newspapers quoted unnamed government sources here as saying North Korea had urged the United States not to hinder Pyongyang's ties with Seoul and Tokyo. The newspaper called for a "fair and equal" footing in talks with the United States, blasting Washington for insisting that there would be "no security of the system nor provision of rewards" even if Pyongyang gave up its nuclear program.
It insisted North Korea could do "everything" to defend itself if the United States "legally guarantees no use of arms including nukes." Bureau Report