India`s present team stands a very good chance of winning the World Cup, says Ravi Shastri in conversation with Geetika Jain. Exclusive interview with Ravi Shastri:
What is your role in the representative body of Indian cricketers that is coming up?
The body is in its final stages of formation. I would be the official spokesperson for it. Tiger Pataudi is going to lead it.

Is the body an act of retaliation after ICC contract controversy? Do you think BCCI will recognise any such body?
No, not at all. There is no retaliation or confrontation with BCCI. The body would voice the concerns of Indian cricketing fraternity and I see no reason why BCCI should not acknowledge it. We want to work in tandem with them not against them. Jagmohan Dalmiya came out publicly against you during ICC controversy. What do you have to say about it?
All that is history now. I have no grudges against him and I am sure he has no grudges as well. Moreover, once this representative body takes shape everything would be smoothened out.


What if the controversy is not solved before the World Cup?
Lets hope for the best. But World Cup will go on, no matter what! ICC Champions Trophy was held despite the controversy and so would the World Cup.

How do you rate present Indian team and what are their chances in the coming World Cup?
I think this is the best team that we have had after `83 - `85. No doubt, it is a winning team. We stand a very good chance of winning with this combination. We have good youngsters in our team and they have been doing consistently well.

But what about the problem with our fast balling?
No, no I don`t think it is any problem. Our bowlers are good and we can do it. The forthcoming New Zealand tour would be a good run up for the World Cup. Moreover, nothing is perfect. How can you expect Indian team to win always? They are a good bunch of talent and I am sure they will put up a good show at World Cup.

Don`t you think Tendulkar should open the batting again?
I think Sehwag and Ganguly are doing a fine job but Tendulkar should not bat in middle order. These three( Ganguly, Tendulkar and Sehwag) should come in the order of 1, 2, 3. If Sehwag is out of form, Tendulkar and Ganguly should open, if Ganguly is out of form, Tendulkar and Sehwag should open and likewise.

Don`t you think cricket in India is too commercialised?
As long as players concentrate on their job, there is no harm in their doing ad campaigns. I mean if they get paid for their value what`s wrong in that. The only thing is that the game should not be harmed.

What is your message for budding talents?
Oh, this is a great time to play. The interest in the game is huge and there are a lot of opportunities coming up. So, they should keep putting in the best of effort.

Lastly, tell us about yourself. What are your plans for future?
I play other games too but at present its commentating for me. I enjoy the game a lot and I want an unending association with it.