Washington, May 31: US President George W Bush has claimed that weapons of mass destruction and biological laboratories were found in Iraq and warned European powers not to "bully" Poland for joining the war against Baghdad. “We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found the biological laboratories. We have so far discovered two and will find more as time goes on. Those who say we haven’t found the banned weapons are wrong," Bush told a Polish television channel yesterday before leaving for Poland and other European nations. Bush cautioned the European powers not to "bully" Poland for joining the US-led coalition in war against Iraq.
"I think it's unfortunate that some of the countries in Europe will try to bully Poland for standing up for what you think - what they think is right,” said the President.
"Poland is too important a country to be isolated and I think it is going to be such a important member of the EU that people will welcome its entry with open arms," Bush said. "I am also going to remind the countries of Europe that we must work together. We don't need divides between us. We need to work together to achieve big objectives," he added.
Incidentally, German press has labelled Poland as 'American troian donkey' for toeing the US line on war against Iraq. Bureau Report