Srinagar, Oct 05: Jammu and Kashmir government today formally opened its doors for private sector participation in the education sector by inviting proposals from private parties for establishing educational institutions in rural and far-flung areas of the state. The private sector in collaboration with premier institutions can set up schools and colleges in areas outside the city for which the government would act as facilitator and would provide every kind of assistance, state education minister Abdul Rehman Veeri said at a function here.

Veeri said that with limited resources and a lot of backlog, a lot remains to be done in this sector and this is where the assistance of private promoters is required and welcomed. The function sponsored by the government and attended by by educationists, academicians, NGOs, and representatives of educational institutions was held at city's premier education Al Institute, Amar Singh College.

Veeri said the step was taken as part of government's efforts to make quality education accessible even to the non-affluent section of the society. Stressing that the coalition government has accorded top priority to education, he said spreading of quality education is infact a mission which has the capability of revolutionizing the society and putting it forward on the path of progress.

Bureau Report