Tehelka claimed that at the end of its sting operation in which it posed as defence supplier Westend, it got the Army to issue a ‘‘26-page trial evaluation order’’ for its fictitious product, the Hand-Held Thermal Imager. But during the Army’s court of inquiry, its officers have said that although the Infantry Directorate recommended Tehelka’s case, it was rejected by the Weapons and Equipment (WE-4) Directorate. Even WE-4’s Additional Director General, Major General P S K Chaudhary, who admitted to having accepted bribes, said that he told Tehelka, very early on, that no trial order could be issued. When contacted, Tehelka CEO Tarun Tejpal said: ‘‘The Army’s entire case is built up on a tissue of lies. I would not be surprised if they have doctored documents and told lies during the court of inquiry also. It’s the larger picture that has to be kept in mind, not issues like this one.’’