Kirkuk (Iraq) Dec 06: US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld flew into Iraq`s main oil centre of Kirkuk today as US Commandos and troops stepped up operations against the insurgents still dogging their eight-month-old occupation. Rumsfeld, an outspoken champion of the six-week spring invasion, quizzed US Commanders on their efforts to capture militant leaders and met with local Iraqi officials at a heavily guarded safe house in this northern city.
All visiting US or British officials now travel under the tightest of security. A lightning thanksgiving day stopover in the Iraqi capital by US President George W Bush was not even announced until air force one was safely back up in the air. It was Rumsfeld`s third visit to Iraq since the ouster of Saddam Jussein in April, and came amid an intensifying effort to quash attacks on coalition forces while fielding more Iraqi security forces.

Major General Raymond Odierno, commander of the 4th infantry division, charged with patrolling the badlands of north-central Iraq, told Rumsfeld his forces were having success in suppressing the number of attacks of his troops. Bureau Report