Washington, Aug 14: Iran is allowing al Qaeda to use its territory, US Defense Secretary Donald H Rumsfeld said on Tuesday, brushing off reports Tehran captured and deported some terrorists to their native countries.
Saudi Arabian officials say Iran has handed over 16 suspected al Qaeda fighters that the Saudis had asked for.
And in the first visit by an Iranian head of state to Afghanistan in 40 years, Iranian president Mohammad Khatami told reporters today that his government has given suspects to other countries as well.
Asked at a pentagon press conference how he interpreted the news, Rumsfeld said: "with respect to the terrorists that they say they have turned in, they`ve turned none in to us."
Rumsfeld has on several occasions during the war in Afghanistan charged that Iran is letting al Qaeda members to escape to safety through its territory. And two terrorist suspects captured by naval forces in a us-led ship interdiction last month were coming from Iran, officials said at the time.

"They have permitted al Qaeda to enter their country. They are permitting al Qaeda to be present in their country today," Rumsfeld said today. "And it may very well be that they, for whatever reason, have turned over some people to other countries, but they`ve not turned any to us.

Rumsfeld said Khatami`s visit to Afghanistan is "probably a useful thing."

Bureau Report