Lohrasb (Iran) July 12: The bodies of the 29-year-old Iranian conjoined twins, who died during separation surgery in Singapore, arrived yesterday in their home province of Fars in preparation for their funeral. Ladan and Laleh Bijani will be buried in the village of Lohrasb, 1,100 kilometers southwest of Tehran today, the parents said.
"We've been overwhelmed by hundreds of people coming to pay their respects and we were not able to prepare for a respectable burial ceremony, one which they deserve," said their father, Dadollah Bijani. "The coffins were tiny," Khatami was quoted as saying by the government-run daily Iran.
Yesterday, hundreds paid their respects at Tehran's grand mosque, where the coffins were laid out before they were taken to Firouzabad - a town near Lohrasb - where the bodies were stored in a morgue. Bureau Report