New Delhi, July 26: Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit today admitted that there were stray incidents of power failures in some areas of the capital but blamed it on heavy downpours in the monsoon season. "Blame it on Inder Dev (Rain God)," Dikshit said when asked who was responsible for the mess in the power situation.
The continuous downpour, which is believed to be the highest in last 100 years, had left some areas water-logged where it was difficult to set the electricity fault right as some wires had fallen into the rain water, she said. "I as the representative of the people of Delhi have raised the issue with power companies who have assured that the matter will be looked into," Dikshit said.

The chief minister said a committee would be setup which would continuously monitor the power problems of people in the capital and would act as a bridge between consumers and the distcoms. She said her government was contemplating setting up of Delhi street lighting corporation which would overlook the smooth functioning of street lights in the capital.

To a query on the bad condition of newly constructed fly-overs which had developed potholes, she said the Delhi chief secretary had already called for all the files.
"Anyone found guilty would be definitely punished," she added.

Bureau Report