Foxboro, July 28: Barcelona has defeated Juventus 3-2 on penalty kicks to win their Champions World Series match at Gillette Stadium in Seattle, Washington. Carles Puyol scored on an overtime penalty kick to lead Barcelona to a 3-2 victory over Juventus in a Champions World Series match at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts. The first half belonged to Barcelona's Javier Saviola as he scored on a penalty shot in the 28th minute and then chested in a loose ball after a corner kick in the 41st minute to put Barcelona up 2-0 at the intermission. Barcelona looked to be in control and headed to a win until Juventus rallied with two goals in the 86th minute. First it was Marco DiVaio who scored off a pass from Fabrizio Miccoli to make it 2-1. It was then Miccoli who added the equalizer and the match was headed to overtime and penalty kicks. The penalty kicks were tied 5-5 when Barcelona goaltender Victor Valdes knocked away Gianluca Pessotto's kick. Puyol then put his kick low and left to easily beat Juventus' goaltender Gianlugi Buffon for the win.

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