Kanpur, June 25: The BJP leadership is trying for an out-of-court settlement of the Ayodhya issue as they cannot fulfil their political goal if the issue is settled through the judicial process, the Indian National League charged today. He maintained that there had been no talks between the Kanchbi Acharya and Muslim organisations on resolving the issue.

" The leadership of BJP cannot fulfil their political goal if the dispute is settled through judicial process. They also know the Supreme Court decision that Government of India has no power to transfer and gift the disputed site to any organisation or any individual for any purposes until the title suit pending before the Allahabad bench of the High Court is decided," Suleman said. The excavation undertaken by the Archaeological Survey of India also had not furnished any evidence that there existed a temple on the site the Babari Masjid was built in the 15th century and the Sangh Parivar leadership is also Azware of this, Suleman said.

He hoped the meeting of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board on July 6 to which the Kanchi Acharya had forwarded his formula, would take a judicious decision in the matter.

Bureau Report