Evian,June 01: After hectic parleys with the world's most powerful leaders in St Petersburg, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee moves here for a fresh round of economic diplomacy with them at the informal G-8 summit organised by the French President Jacques Chirac ahead of the two-day conference of the eight industrialised nations beginning Monday. The leaders are gathered for participation in a Chirac effort for a "Broader Initiative" in an informal summit to discuss global concerns to discuss the risks generated by globalisation and the need for better "global governance".
Though economic issues may be on top of the agenda, issues like security in the context of global terrorism that has the potential to derail development and furtherance of democracy are also high on the agenda. Vajpayee is a special invitee from developing nations along with some of those from G-77, NAM, Africa and and top executives from United Nations, World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organisation, besides China. Bureau Report