Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi on Friday spoke out against the US air strikes on Afghanistan, which he said were "unacceptable" to his government.
Kharazzi said he was particularly concerned with the threat which the military campaigned posed to Afghanistan's civilian population, and said he feared a new flood of refugees. But he did join the call for a new government to be established in Afghanistan - one which does not include any Taliban representatives.
The Iranian Foreign Minister made his comments in Dushanbe, where he met with Tajik President Emomali Rakhmonov.
Like Tajikistan, Iran has a long border with Afghanistan. The Iranian diplomat stressed that he and Rakhmonov agreed that only a coalition government was possible and that participation of members of the ruling Taliban was "unacceptable" to both countries.
Kharrazi's visit to Tajikistan coincided with a meeting of regional emergency ministers, also held in Dushanbe.
Russia's minister for emergency situations, Sergei Shoigu said that he and the others attending the meeting were making contingency plans in case the US bombing of Afghanistan sparked a new refugee crisis. Bureau Report