Moscow, Oct 25: Gunmen holding hundreds of hostages in a Moscow theatre threatened to begin killing them at dawn Saturday if their demands are not met, a spokeswoman for the musical that was interrupted by the raid said Friday. Daria Morgunova said that she was informed of the threat by one of the actors being held hostage and that the call had come about 3 p.m (1100 GMT). That was about two hours before Federal Security Service chief Nikolai Patrushev said the lives of the approximately 50 assailants would be guaranteed if they released all the hostages. Throughout the crisis, now approaching its third day, the gunmen have demanded Russian troops withdraw from the rebel republic of Chechnya and have said they are ready to die - and take the hostages with them - if that demand is unmet. On Friday, the gunmen released a total of 15 hostages, but an earlier reported promise to free all the estimated 75 foreigners among the captives went unfulfilled.

Among the freed hostages were eight children, including a Swiss citizen, who were let go in the afternoon.

"The children were released without any conditions," said Dmitry Rogozin, chairman of the Russian parliament`s international affairs committee, who was on the scene as a contact with representatives of foreign governments. President Vladimir Putin said the audacious raid was planned by terrorists based outside Russia, and the Qatar-based TV channel al-Jazeera broadcast statements allegedly made by some of the hostage-takers.
"I swear by God we are more keen on dying than you are keen on living," a black-clad male said in the broadcast believed to have been recorded Wednesday. "Each one of us is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of God and the independence of Chechnya."
Bureau Report