Thirteen Naga Ultras belonging to different outfits, including NSCN(I-M) and NSCN(K) have laid down their arms at Tuensang town, about 280 km from Kohima, an official report said on Monday. The Ultras surrendered before area commander brigadier N N Madappa in the presence of Tuensang deputy commissioner on Saturday and deposited arms including AK series rifles, two M 21 rifles and three pistols, the report said.

This is the second major surrender this year after the one on January 4 in which 42 militants laid down arms at Kigwema after accepting the Centre's rehabilitation package.


Among those who surrendered were three of NSCN (I-M) and eight of NSCN(K), the report added.
Brigadier Madappa described the surrender as the homecoming of misguided youths and lauded their determination to set themselves free from the path of violence.

The commander also appealed to Naga public leaders and elders of Naga society to persuade the disillusioned youths to eschew violence.
Bureau Report