New Delhi, Aug 28: A day before being bestowed with the Arjuna Award, flamboyant batsman Virender Sehwag today said he would have never allowed his game to be affected even if he had missed out on the coveted honour due to the controversy surrounding his late nomination.
"Of course it is a great honour to be picked for this award. But like a true sportsman I would have taken it in my stride even if I was not selected," Sehwag told here.
The 24-year-old right hand bat said he did not allow the controversy over his late nomination affect him too much but deep inside he was hoping he would be included.
"I did not lose sleep over the controversy. There was this suspense will I or won't I ? It is every player's wish to be rewarded for his efforts. And now that I have won the award I am really thrilled," he said.
Sehwag said he was grateful to his family, his two coaches, Anil Sharma and Satish Sharma who believed in him and the cricket board for recommending his name.

The local boy said he had come down from Bangalore especially for the award ceremony and would immediately return for an extended session with physiotherapist Andrew Leipus who has been attending to his injured back.
Bureau Report