Washington, Apr 25: IMF policymakers have urged world governments to seize the opportunity presented by an improving global economy to implement critical economic reforms and moved toward trade liberalization. "Improved prospects in most regions point to stronger global growth going forward," said a statement issued yesterday after a meeting of the IMF's top policymaking body, the International Monetary and Financial committee.

The international monetary fund panel said it "encourages countries to take advantage of the current environment to strengthen the foundations for sustainable growth." This means slashing disruptive budget and current account deficits in the United States, reforming labour markets in Europe and undertaking corporate and banking reforms in Japan.

The meeting sparked a street protest in downtown Washington by hundreds of people who denounce the IMF and its sister institution the World Bank of being corporate-driven and hostile to the interests of the poor.

Under tight scrutiny by police on foot, bike, motorcycle and in an array of vehicles, protesters marched through the capital and rallied near the heavily guarded headquarters of the fund and the bank, a stone's throw from the White House. "We want to cancel the debt now," said Robert Weissman, an organizer of the protest group that included women's rights activists, socialists, anarchists and environmentalists.

Bureau Report