United Nations, July 17: UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has appointed Harvard professor and former UN assistant Secretary-General John Ruggie as special adviser on the world body's initiative to advance good corporate citizenship and responsible globalization. Over the next year, Ruggie will advise the Secretary-General on the overall direction of 'the UN global compact' and oversee the preparation of a high-level leaders meeting on the initiative at UN headquarters in New York, tentatively scheduled for June 2004. The Secretary-General first raised the notion of developing a "global compact of shared values and principles" in business at the world economic forum in January 1999. He urged world business leaders to "embrace and enact" the benefits of global economic development through voluntary corporate policies and actions. The UN global compact was launched in July 2000, and sets forth nine guiding principles that focus on human rights, labour standards and concern for the environment. Bureau Report