New York, Oct 20: Pakistan is paying 50,000 dollars a month for media relations to Michigan-based Sterling International Consulting Corp.(SICC) The company is expected to develop a "media calendar", roll out various themes and concepts throughout the year to create a "favourable image" of the country which is a "vital ally in president bush's war on terror," O'dwyer's PR daily has reported.
SICC has been hired to "root out" negative stories and provide the writer with "background, response and clarifications," as per SICC's contract with Pakistan.

The daily quoted SICC's owner Dan Pero as saying that Pakistan has selected a Michigan-based firm as the area has a large Muslim population.
In a story posted on its website, the daily said the company will seek members of the Pakistani-American community who would speak out on behalf of Pakistan.
These "message surrogates" will be given talking points and media training by SICC which will also stimulate a grassroot campaign via e-mails, letters to the editor, one-on-one communications and newsletters. Bureau Report