Nagpur, July 06: The University Grants Commission (UGC) has allocated Rs 4.6 crore to Nagpur University during the current five-year plan (2002-2007), which is the highest amount received among eight non-agriculture universities in Maharashtra, according to its Vice-Chancellor Dr Arun Satputaley. "The amount is 34 per cent more than the previous financial allocation of Rs 3.42 crore," Dr Satputaley told a press conference here yesterday.

The UGC for the first time has made allocation department wise, there by departing from its laid down practice of allocating under different heads, he said adding, the university has already received its first installment of Rs 70.20 lakhs.

About 72 affiliated colleges of Nagpur University have also sent their proposals for certain developmental grants but only 57 of them have succeeded in receiving a total of Rs 6.65 crore, Dr Satputaley said.

UGC took serious note of the fact that 60 per cent faculty posts are lying vacant and asked the university to take up the issue with Maharashtra government to fill them up, the Vice-Chancellor said.

Bureau Report