Hong Kong, Feb 17: More than 80 per cent of bank cash machines in Hong Kong have had closed circuit TV monitoring installed after audacious theft attempts by fraudsters, a survey found today. Security was stepped up at banks around the territory after sophisticated spy cameras installed by thieves to film people tapping in their secret id numbers were found next to machines. Some of the spy cameras were installed inside the frame of the cash machines, and positioned to transmit video of the keyboard being used to a remote location. The thieves intended to record the numbers then pickpocket customers to empty their accounts, police believed, although the spy cameras were found before many people were targetted. A consumer council survey released today found that since the discovery, 82 per cent of banks had installed closed circuit TV and the remainder had plans to do so. Most cash machines now have mini-shields over the keypads to prevent prying eyes from watching as customers tap in their id numbers to withdraw money. Nearly nine out of 10 banks interviewed said they had stepped up security patrols around cash machines, particularly at night. There were 50 cases of fraud involving cash machines between October 2002 and November 2003, researchers found, involving a total of more than two million Hong Kong dollars (USD 257,000). Bureau Report