New Delhi: Facing charges of culpable homicide in the 2002 hit-and-run case, Bollywood actor Salman Khan has been doing rounds of the courts recently. The 13 year old case may finally come to close later this month.


Reports suggest that final verdict of 2002 hit-and-run case will be announced on April 20, 2015.

Sessions court is conducting a fresh trial after the earlier magistrate's court upgraded the charges.

Number of pleas have been kept in front of the court from the defense lawyer mentioning that the death did not happen because of the actor's negligence, but rather was caused after the accident when the car fell.

The defense also went on to say that the actor was not well on the ill fated night and it was in fact Khan's driver Ashok Singh who was driving the car.He also questioned the competency of the chemical analyst in the case.

The prosecution has however said that the evidence for the same is not true.However, the verdict shall clear the hazy picture.

The prosecution in the Salman Khan trial rested its case against the Bollywood actor, demanding that he be convicted for culpable homicide not amounting to murder, which attracts a 10-year jail term.

Khan, 49, is facing trial for ramming his SUV into a bakery in suburban Bandra on September 28, 2002, killing one person and injuring four who were sleeping outside.