Moscow, May 13: Russian diplomats continued efforts today to secure the release of two Russian hostages being held in Iraq, the Russian foreign ministry said. "It would be inexpedient to speak about the details connected with these steps because the situation is complicated and very delicate," foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Yakovenko said.
The Russians, employees of Interenergoservis, were attacked Monday in Musayyib, about 60 kms south of Baghdad, where they worked at the southern Baghdad power station, said a Russian diplomat in Baghdad. One worker was killed, and two others taken hostage.
The Interfax news agency identified the two seized workers as 27-year-old Alexander Gordiyenko and Andrei Meshcheryakov, 33.
Alexander Abramov, general director of Interenergoservis, was quoted as telling Interfax that the attack happened when the employees stopped along the roadway to "get a bite to eat." Abramov said that the hostages were "alive and healthy," Interfax reported yesterday, but today company officials told Russian news agencies that they had no detailed information on the fate of the two men.
Bureau Report