Los Angeles: Actress Shailene Woodley will be feted by the Environmental Media Association for her activism on climate change and other issues next month.


The 26th annual Environmental Media Association Awards will honour Woodley with the Female EMA Futures Award for her involvement in social and environmental issues, including the protests over the Dakota Pipeline Access project in North Dakota, reports variety.com.

"A strong proponent of climate change and individual responsibility, we couldn't be more proud to honour and share this young woman's authentic commitment and ‘boots on the ground' rallying for social and environmental justice issues," said Debbie Levin, CEO of EMA.

Talking about the award, Woodley said: "We must stand in solidarity and acknowledge our responsibility for not only those alive now, but for all generations to come." 

She added: "Protecting our Earth and its creatures is protecting humanity and its children. This EMA Futures Award shows me that there are millions of us who have been and are ready to stand up in the face of adversity and honour the home that has offered us the lives we know."

The EMA Awards will take place on October 22.