New Delhi, July 27: Taking cognizance of protest by Kashmiri pandits over availability of electoral roll forms only in Urdu language, the Jammu and Kashmir election office has announced to publish these in Hindi also for benefit of the displaced community. "Forms in Hindi language would also be made available in future to facilitate migrant electors for filing claims and objections," the state's deputy chief electoral officer said in a letter to Kashmiri Samiti president Sunil Shakdher. The decision by the state electoral office follows objections by the Samiti to publication of the rolls in Urdu only as it pointed out that a majority of the community members could not read the language and so could not file objections and claims.
"Most of the community members have lost touch with Urdu as after leaving Kashmir due to a well-planned ISI-sponsored conspiracy, our wards studied outside the valley where the language is not being taught," Shakdher had said. "Due to this, it has become very difficult for our community to fill up the said forms," he had said, noting that because of this the process of revision of electoral rolls could not be free and fair.

He, however, is still not satisfied with the state election commission's move and has dispatched a response letter seeking availability of the forms in Hindi immediately.

"I do not understand why the electoral roll forms will not be supplied right now," Shakdher said demanding that the process of filling up of these forms be postponed for six months to allow the benefit to the pandits.
Bureau Report.