New Delhi, Dec 08: Lok Sabha Speaker Manohar Joshi today rejected several notices of opposition-sponsored adjournment motions including those on the alleged "milking" of PSUs by Union Ministers, the Dilip Singh Judeo cash-on-camera scam and muzzling of media by Tamil Nadu government. As soon as the house assembled, agitated BJP members Madan Lal Khurana and others were on their feet demanding an immediate discussion on the alleged attempt to bribe and split BJP in Chhattisgarh by former chief minister Ajit Jogi.

Joshi told the members that he would not allow Question Hour to be disrupted and would give them an opportunity to raise these matters during Zero Hour.
The other notices for adjournment motion on non-payment of remunerative prices to farmers and corruption in government were also disallowed by the Speaker.

Bureau Report