Dubai, Dec 14: A court here has charged an Indian youth Prasad Divadkar, detained alongwith three others in October for drug offence, with smuggling, possessing and abusing drugs. The court of first instance formally charged Divadkar yesterday while dismissing charges in the case against Farhan Azmi, son of Member of Parliament and Samajwadi Party leader Abu Azim Azmi, due to lack of evidence, media reports said.
The other two, Bonito Dilip Chhabria, son of automobile designer Dilip Chhabria and Shaan Uttam Singh, grandson of Bollywood film producer G P Sippy were released shortly after their arrest on October 20 from a Dubai hotel.
A senior official at the Dubai Department of Justice told a newspaper that the prosecution was of the view that Farhan had allegedly taken drugs while he was not in the UAE. Thus, they could not press for charges since the alleged crime was outside the department's jurisdiction.
Earlier in a press statement, Samajwadi Party leader Abu Azim Azmi said he knew his son Farhan would go free, adding that it was just a matter of time.
"Farhan talked to his mother and told her that the inquiry was still going on," he said adding, "He told her not to worry as he was innocent and would return home soon." Bureau Report