When terrorists attacked Parliament, hoping to extinguish democracy through fear, they, instead, ended up in making all of us even more fiercely nationalistic. It made us salute the very policeman who we normally ridicule. It made our MPs stand together and Vajpayee finally made an inspiring speech. I hope it doesn’t stop there.
It may sound preposterous, but why can’t the Government consider the Bharat Ratna or the Padma Vibushan for those who fought this attack? It would be more deserving than giving it to Aamir Raza Hussain for some play! While everyone will be busy setting up commissions of enquiry into this dastardly act, I am keen on knowing what the Government proposes to do. Advani should use this incident to find out why we have repeated intelligence failures? Kargil; last year’s Red Fort one and now this.