Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha on Monday ruled out the appointment of a finance secretary before the budget presentation, saying the new team of secretaries, comprising C.M. Vasudev, S. Narayanan and C.S. Rao would prepare it.
"This is the team as it is for the budget," Sinha said, referring to the newly constituted team of secretaries of revenue (Narayanan), economic affairs (Vasudev) and expenditure (Rao).
Usually senior most of the three secretaries is made finance secretary to coordinate the activities of the finanace ministry. In the absence of a finance sectretary, Sinha himself will have to do the coordination job Finance secretary Ajit Kumar was shifted to Planning Commission and economic affairs, a key department in the finance ministry for budget making, held by him was entrusted to Vasudev who was shifted from the expenditure department. Bureau Report