Washington, Oct 27: US President George .W.Bush has sent greetings to millions of Muslims around the world who are beginning to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan this week. "This month of introspection provides Muslims a time to focus on their faith and practice god's commands," Bush said in his message to followers of the Islamic faith made public by the White House on Friday. "Through fasting, prayer, contemplation, and charity, Muslims around the world renew their commitment to lead lives of honesty, integrity, and compassion," the US President said. Bush reiterated his belief that Islam was a peaceful religion, and people who practice the Islamic faith have made great contributions to the welfare of the United States and the world. "As Americans, we cherish our freedom to worship and we remain committed to welcoming individuals of all religions," the President continued. "By working together to advance freedom and mutual understanding, we are creating a brighter future of hope and opportunity." Bureau Report Bureau Report