Washington, Apr 15: The United States today held out a veiled threat of economic and diplomatic sanctions against Syria for its support for members of fallen Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's regime and participation in development of Weapons of Mass Destruction. "Of course, we will examine possible measures of a diplomatic, economic or other nature as we move forward," US Secretary of State Collin Powell told reporters here.

He asked the Syrians to "review their actions and their behaviour, not only with respect to who gets haven in Syria and weapons of mass destruction, especially the support of terrorist activity." His one friendly gesture to Syria was that "as we go down the road to peace" in the Middle East, "we want it to be a comprehensive peace and, ultimately, of course, that would have to include finding a way to settle the outstanding issues with Syria, as well." Apparently referring to the US decision to use force against Iraq without a second UN resolution, Powell said: "And so we have a new situation in the region, and we hope that all the nations in the region will now review their past practices and behaviour." . The foreign minister of Kuwait, whose country the US liberated 12 years ago when Iraq invaded and occupied it, is the first Arab leader to come to publicly echo the US contention that its use of force in Iraq "liberates" the Iraqi people.

Bureau Report