Ahmedabad, June 15: Alleging that Christian missionaries and Islamic fundamentalists were "conspiring against the nation", VHP international general secretary Pravin Togadia today said "if concrete steps were not taken right now, Hindus would be a minority in the next 100 years". Addressing VHP activists here, Togadia came down heavily on those allegedly indulging in religious conversions in rural and tribal regions of Gujarat and the country.

The firebrand VHP leader criticised the Pope's comment on the Freedom of Religion Bill introduced in some states including Gujarat, saying "if the Vatican is secular then will they allow a Roman Catholic to convert and be a Protestant? -- Then how can we allow a Hindu to be converted to Christianity in our villages?".

Criticising lack of political will among leaders in preventing conversions across the country, Togadia said: "They (leaders) had cancer in their brain due to which they cannot listen to nationwide appeals to restrict this practice".

Continuing his tirade Togadia sought to know why only Hindus are expected to behave in a secular manner while those of other communities are given a free hand to do what they want.

"In our country everything is based on votes. If our politicians get votes they will also hand over Kashmir or Kashi one day", Togadia added.

Togadia said the VHP will also train volunteers from rural pockets and tribal regions to impart hindutva to six lakh villages of the country.

Bureau Report