New Delhi, July 31: Rajya Sabha was thrown into turmoil today after the Opposition demanded suspension of question hour to discuss the issue of CBI admitting in a court that video and audio tapes submitted by it as evidence in the Ayodhya demolition case did not contain speeches of Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani and others. After 45 minutes of heated arguments, chairman Bhairon Singh Shekhawat adjourned the House till 1230 hours.
Shekhawat said leader of the House Jaswant Singh and leader of the Opposition Manmohan Singh along with two or three representatives from the Opposition could discuss during adjournment time, the timing and the type of discussion to be undertaken in the House.
As soon as the House met, Opposition led by Congress member Suresh Pachauri asked the chair to suspend question hour and immediately take up the matter for discussion.
Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who was present, did not speak.
The Opposition, demanding a reply from Vajpayee, shouted: "Jawab do jawab do, Prime Minister jawab do."
Bureau Report