Jammu, Oct 14: Pakistani troops fired light artillery shells and heavy mortar to target border fencing along Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmmir since last evening, official sources said here today. Troops from across the LoC used heavy machine guns and field guns to target border fencing, civilian and forward defence locations in Romlidhara, Kalsian, Kalal, Makri, Laam, Balnoi, Dabraj, Balakote, Bhawani, Jangard and Krishnagati areas in Rajouri-Poonch sector, they said.
Around 80-90 light artillery shells and over 150 mortar shells were fired in these areas, the sources said, adding shelling was still on in Bhawani area, while it stopped in other areas this morning.
No reports about loss of life, injury or damage to property in shelling have been received so far, they said.
"Pakistan wants to dismantle fencing by shelling so that it could push in more and more terrorists via LoC to keep the pot of terrorism boiling in Jammu and Kashmir," they added.
"Once fencing along the entire LoC in the state is completed, no cross border infiltration of militants would take place, which is the reason of concern for Pakistani establishment," the sources said.
So far, 110 km of LoC has been fenced in Rajouri-Poonch sector and its entire 498 km would be fenced by March next, they added.
Bureau Report