New York, June 12: The New York Times said today it had uncovered more suspect articles by Jayson Blair, the disgraced reporter who sparked a plagiarism scandal that claimed the jobs of the newspaper's top two editors. Since the Times published an extensive report of plagiarism and fabrications by Blair, 10 additional articles have been found "to include misstatements or possibly borrowed passages, or quotations that have been denied by the speaker to whom they were attributed," the newspaper announced in an editor's note.
The list of articles has been posted on the website, where it will remain accessible for a week, the paper said. The fresh examples of Blair's suspect reporting were uncovered as part of an internal review ordered after his resignation on May 1.
Later the same month, one of the Times' Pulitzer Prize winning feature writers also resigned after he was accused of over-reliance on the work of a freelancer in putting together a bylined article on Oyster Fishermen. Divisions in the newsroom caused by the Blair scandal eventually forced the resignation last week of the times' executive editor, Howell Raines, and managing editor, Gerald Boyd.
Since resigning, Blair has suggested that the high-pressure environment in the Times newsroom, as well as the issue of race, played a large part in his downfall. Bureau Report