Washington, Nov 19: In the wake of the refusal of India and other countries to send troops to Iraq, the United States is seeking Fijian troops, offering to meet all their expenses except their salaries. "While we would very much like Fiji to contribute troops to Iraq peacekeeping duties and are prepared to provide equipment, uniforms, small arms, transport and logistical support, we are unable to pay salaries or personal entitlements," US ambassador to Fiji David Lyon said in an interview to the Fiji sun on Monday. He expressed confidence that Fiji is "interested in doing its part for world stability, in maintaining Fiji`s position in the forefront of peacekeeping nations and in providing employment for men of military age."

Fiji, which has deployed troops on peacekeeping duties, has cut its military budget and is unwilling to send more soldiers abroad at its own expense, according to the Washington Times. Fiji had 1,000 troops in Lebanon earlier this year. More than 1,000 serve in the British army, with many stationed in Iraq, and about 600 Fijian soldiers are serving in Iraq with the British company global risk strategies. Bureau Report