New Delhi, June 02: Onset of monsoon over Kerala has been delayed and is not expected in the next three to five days, the Indian Meteorology Department (IMD) said here today. "However, signs are not unfavourable for advance of monsoon," IMD officials said.
Normally monsoon hits Kerala on June one.
The present conditions do not favour any advance of the south-west monsoon for the next three to five days, the officials said.
The monsoon had entered the south Andaman Sea and adjoining south east bay on May 16, which is about the normal time. After that it moved further to cover the whole of Andaman Sea, parts of south and east central bay, Maldives and nearby areas like southern parts of Sri Lanka.
It is to advance further northward to Kerala, which has not happened, the official said adding the initial delay was due to the disturbed circulation pattern over Bay of Bengal.
Later the circulation pattern over Bay of Bengal had normalised, but the corresponding recovery did not happen over Arabian Sea.
The official said monsoon current over the Arabian Sea was weak. The delayed onset over Kerala would have an impact on the onset of rain in the peninsular region, including Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra.
"However, for Delhi and other areas nothing can be said as of now," they said.
After hitting the mainland Kerala, the monsoon spans the entire country up to Rajasthan.
Bureau Report